Emily's done practically everything. Musician, writer, artist,
performer, aerialist (!),
model... I met her through her
Cixous Ghost incarnation on Myspace a while back. I got in touch when I saw that she was releasing a cassette of recordings -
Pestersome Nichts - made with a previous band named
Holy Ghost Toast, a cassette that, along with a Rural Savage CD-R from the first Bethlemayhem, soundtracked many a happy breakfast-time while I was studying in Dublin.
Geek Love is my favourite track from that tape; it's a floating wonderworld of a song, the non-percussion bit towards the end is just gorgeous. Thus began my down-the-rabbit-hole discovery of Emily's long list of creations and guises. A few weeks back she wanted a break from work in the large smoke so came down to visit for the weekend, which we filled with a little bit of wandering, raspberry sushi, photographs, face-smushing scanning, Father Ted and facepaint, barefoot snow frolics and chats and chats.